3 Scenarios When Landlords Should Hire a Lawyer

While it’s ideal to come across the perfect tenant, there are unfortunately times when the situation turns less than ideal. With this in mind, there are three obvious situations that necessitate a landlord hiring a lawyer.

Evicting a tenant

Once such situation involves evicting a tenant. While you may have good reason to evict your tenant, it’s not always easy. Judges don’t always rule in a landlord’s favor and there are usually specific rules that must be followed, including notification and paperwork.

Illegal discrimination claims

You also likely need a lawyer if you’re being sued for illegal discrimination. In this case HUD or a fair housing agency may investigate, and you’ll want to make sure you have someone working on your side. Penalties, if you lose, can be costly.

Injury or illness claims

You probably also want to hire a lawyer if you’re being sued for injury or illness. Personal injury lawyers know how the law works. If you have liability insurance, check with your insurer. You may already have legal representation for personal injury claims.


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